Toucan Talks
Toucan Talks is a podcast for Wilmington-area business owners and entrepreneurs who are eager to learn from those on a similar journey. Each week, we talk with an area business owner about their successes, challenges, and experiences in business. Don’t worry – we keep it fun as we bounce from topic to topic.
Toucan Talks
EP15 - Rob Warwick: Real Estate Challenges, Impact on Wilmington's Business, and Much More
We talked with Rob Warwick, a seasoned real estate broker in the Wilmington area. With six-years under his belt, Rob shares everything from teamwork dynamics to neighborhood development. Be prepared for some candid insights into his challenging encounters - water damage, contract complications, and the ever-present inventory issues.
But we don't stop at personal anecdotes and real estate intricacies. We took a deep dive into the profound impact that the real estate industry has on Wilmington's business community. As the city experiences an influx of new residents, how is it affecting local businesses and infrastructure? Rob provides perspective on the potential growth and opportunities for local businesses and the urgent need for infrastructure expansion. The discussion goes beyond just business and delves into Rob's vision for the city's future. So, put your headphones on and join us on this enlightening journey with Rob Warwick, because sometimes, learning can be just as fun as a good prank call!
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Welcome to the Chukan Talks podcast, where we bounce from topic to topic with our guest to give you an inside look at their life as a business owner. No question is off limits as we talk about what has led to the successes, the challenges and more.
Speaker 2:And this podcast is brought to you by Kickstart Studios. Kickstart Studios is Wilmington's newest video podcast studio, equipped with multiple camera angles and an in-house producer. Creating a high quality video podcast has never been easier. Don't let the tech and gear learning curve hold you back from jumping into podcasting or creating video content any longer. Our team takes care of it all for you, so you can focus on the message you want to share. You simply show up record and receive the final product. No more wasting time setting it up and breaking down the gear, setting up lights or doing sound checks on your own. Our in-house producer will have everything set up and ready to go for you. So check us out at Kickstart Studios.
Speaker 1:Welcome to the Chukan Talks podcast. We have been on, I think, a two week. We're going to call it summer break. So this is the first episode that we've done in a few weeks. It's going to be an exciting time. Our guest today is Rob Warwick. Well, disclosure, because we like this podcast to be transparent. He is my brother, so it should be fun. That is true, those are fast.
Speaker 4:We're going to flip the script on you, let's not, I don't answer questions on this podcast. Yeah, we'll see, I'm just kidding. I have occasionally.
Speaker 1:Okay, so before we get started, we still have our lovely sponsor for this episode, which is more than Clowns. She makes handmade pottery. You can find her. More than claycom. Use code 2KN like the bird for 10% off your order. I highly recommend this. It's not a more than clay mug. So sorry, but there's some cool things back there If you people want to zoom in.
Speaker 4:So if the handle falls off, it's not her problem.
Speaker 1:No, that's target's problem. Sorry.
Speaker 4:Fair enough.
Speaker 1:Sorry, it's not, it's not custom today. Too bad, too bad. And then other housekeeping, so I don't know if you've tuned into an episode of this podcast or not.
Speaker 4:I've watched a watch the reels, watch the reels, and then I watched Steve's Steve's.
Speaker 1:Our father, who would be your dad. All right, so have this lovely podcast situation works as you have these tokens they are pink and you drop them anywhere on the board and then you get a question. Fill in on a one. We have a business question If you didn't send a two. We have questions from what we call our party can. They are not business questions, they are other questions. If a coin flies off the board, just go again. Okay. If it gets stuck on a peg, we made up a rule for her. I got stuck on the peg, is that when you get to ask me a question?
Speaker 4:So if you, every now and again it gets like stuck.
Speaker 1:Oh, it's about to happen and then, yeah, I guess. Then you get to ask me a question Other than that. I think that's how this works. I guess, besides being my brother, do you want to tell these lovely people what you do for work and why you're here?
Speaker 4:I am here, I guess, yeah, I am your brother, but yeah, my guess, yeah, rob Warwick, and work in real estate with Cole banker here in town on the residential side.
Speaker 1:Sweet, and I did just confirm, because I clearly don't know, anything about what anybody in my family does for work, since this podcast guest our business owners as real estate agents pretty much 1099. So they're all business owners.
Speaker 4:Yeah, pretty much all business owners under the umbrella, like I'm under the umbrella of Cole banker. You know other companies would be so. So business owners under that umbrella and just have teams under the under the umbrella of Cole banker set company Cool.
Speaker 1:Sweet, and your team is just the Warwick team.
Speaker 4:Yeah, that's that, yeah, it's, which has been pretty cool for about six years, which not a lot of people can say. We've had team members, so I've got Amy and Bradley and they work with me and then we do neighborhoods, so neighborhood development and then general brokerage, so that's been pretty fun. And you know, you see, see a lot of people come off the teams or go out their own, and so it's kind of been fun to have have those same two for over six years at this point.
Speaker 1:Thanks, that is exciting and it seems like. It seems like a good accomplishment.
Speaker 4:We all like each other, apparently keep up with each other and like each other. Yeah, it's been been a good relationship overall.
Speaker 1:Sweet, cool. Well, I feel like residential estate in terms of what does your business do is probably kind of self explanatory, but you can dive into pretty much. That's a buying selling the neighborhood realm, I guess.
Speaker 4:Yep. So yeah, it's not like HGTV, unfortunately, so people don't look at three homes and buy one, so that's kind of a bummer. It is too bad Sometimes. But yeah, no, we do general brokerage. So you know, if you call listen your home or need to buy home, we do that, and then our focus really has been on your phone drain.
Speaker 1:I'm waiting for a spam call during the podcast and then we make that person join the podcast. That's my next goal for this podcast.
Speaker 4:I'm sure it will happen with me here. Yeah, that's a big focus has been neighborhoods and we've closed out a couple. You know where the builders, the onsite guys, they move out. We kind of took over to close out the product. Or Waterstone and Porter's next been kind of our home base for about four years at this point that's up in Porter's neck, and we've had five builders at one time so we're directly with them. We're down to two. We probably got another 18 months in there. That's been a really good one. As far as price point, we started for 50. And we've got some custom homes up into like the million eight range. So that's been a really, really fun project and kind of the first one we did from the ground up with the whole team. So that's been been a fun one.
Speaker 1:All right, well, we can get this party started. You can drop the coin anywhere you want.
Speaker 4:Sounds good, hopefully it's getting stuck.
Speaker 3:So your options are you can?
Speaker 1:make up a question on your own, or we do have a stack in that more than clay business card holder actually on the shelf with those yellow cards. You can pick a card from there.
Speaker 4:I'm gonna make this one easy, because I'm gonna get another one stuck.
Speaker 1:I get to pick one, you get to pick one. Some of them are more like dare related and some of them are questions we're not asking you dare related ones.
Speaker 4:Related.
Speaker 1:No, I'm not weird. I did not put dares in there for strangers that I don't know, that are weird.
Speaker 4:Not that people on our podcast are strangers, but we're all friends here, all right, all right, jobs, jobs you can do. If you quit your pressure watcher today, you would be a pressure washer 100%. Why was it so?
Speaker 2:fast that you answered that question.
Speaker 1:Because I thought about if I ever shut down kickstart collective. What would I do? It would be a pressure washing business. Sorry, Josh, I'd be like pressure washing.
Speaker 4:Why? My follow up is why immediate gratification.
Speaker 1:Okay, you like. It really doesn't matter what you look like, because you're going to be disgusting afterwards. So, like you can just roll out of bed, go pressure washing.
Speaker 4:They're good because you don't like to take a shower.
Speaker 1:Correct, they're overrated. I hate washing my hair. You have vitamin D. You're outside, okay you? Don't have to think about it. You can put in air pods and literally I mean you do have to run the business side of it. So I understand it's. Maybe I should just be in a pressure washing employee there, you go All right, there it is Now, you know.
Speaker 4:I never knew Fun fact. All right. Carry on.
Speaker 1:Yeah, also Huck out of the blue every time he starts school, like what do you want to be when you grow up? He says wall cleaner. So I think there's hope for us. That's a.
Speaker 4:That's y'all we all make a good, good option.
Speaker 1:Mother's side pressure washing business there you go New.
Speaker 4:thing.
Speaker 1:All right, this should be an easy one. What is your favorite favorite favorite local go to place for? It says whatever, so it could be food, it could be fun. What's your favorite local place?
Speaker 4:for dinner like date night Bridge tinder. Okay, yeah, always the horseradish encrusted tuna.
Speaker 3:Okay.
Speaker 4:Fun fact.
Speaker 1:I feel bad saying this because this is on the internet. Do you remember when we were children and we caught it in the barf tinder?
Speaker 4:Yes, yes, I do, things have changed. Things have changed.
Speaker 1:I mean, I was probably seven and I probably just wanted McDonald's, so I was probably just mad Chicken nuggets You're gonna ride your bike with Carter.
Speaker 4:Yeah, yeah, that's a no. Yeah, british Center is probably our date night go-to spot. We did go eat at Covey the other night.
Speaker 1:Oh was that good it was really good.
Speaker 4:It's on the list. That was very good. You gotta get the glass private room or you can't hear yourself. Think Is it loud. It's pretty loud, okay. So yeah, the glass room solves the issue of being at dinner with everyone else, okay, but yeah, as far as like going out and hanging out, we're on the boat or the pool, so that's really not a Masonborough Island would be the location. I think that was Dad's answer. Cool, his is with dogs mine's with kids and Jenny, of course, true.
Speaker 1:Yes, the Chamber, Wilmington Chamber of Commerce. I think their networking event is at the Covey this month and I was like I'll go to that one, That'd be nice.
Speaker 4:Yeah, yeah, that's yeah, if needed, ask for, give out everyone's secret. It's Chip's room. Fun fact, it is in the back and it's private and it's got a bunch of woodwork and all sorts of paintings and it's that would be the spot to go. So, yeah, okay, now there's gonna be a couple hundred reservations for Chip's room, but you just you heard it here on two can talks folks.
Speaker 1:It's one fact.
Speaker 4:Ask All right, can I say that?
Speaker 3:Yes, I'll tell you a story there Awesome.
Speaker 4:I'll just stick another one.
Speaker 3:These things.
Speaker 4:These are business questions.
Speaker 1:These are business questions. Okay, what has been your biggest challenge in regards to?
Speaker 3:your career.
Speaker 4:We went through well, started at a different company and now you know, transitioned to Cole Banker. Probably in really inventory has probably been the last two years of you go through COVID. No one wanted to see anybody, so that was kind of hard to show homes. And then you had the poll, you just had it. Such a spectrum of people like I don't care or it was so serious you can't come to my house, and that was. That was interesting but probably inventory. And then you know kind of deal with the day to day and you just can't. I mean, bradley and I were talking earlier today and we're going to write a book of like the craziest things that we've run into.
Speaker 1:We're like we should ask.
Speaker 4:Yes, day of clothes, a day of closing, like yesterday, bradley doing a final walkthrough. They were going to meet at nine. Supervisor called at six and said we have no idea where the water is. We're coming from, but there's water pouring out of the home. So moving trucks, attorney, like everybody's waiting to go, and now we're going to be delayed a month because we're cutting the drywall out and just the whole home was essentially water damage everywhere and you have just all sorts of crazy situations that people like yeah they just have no idea.
Speaker 4:And it's like, yeah, we, you know, we're a therapist, we're, you know, advisor, and then also on the real estate side. So, yeah, it's the, it's the biggest challenge of the job On a day to day inventory. But then also, like every situation and people are so different that you just it's like no one would believe of, like you know, because I go home and Jenny, I'm like Jenny, listen to this, and she's like how did that happen? I'm like, well, that's pretty normal. He's like that's not normal at all. I was like that's not even a hard one to figure out. So, yeah, you know, kind of weeding through the day to day of the total unknown and everyone is different, and then so their purchase is different or the listing side is different. So yeah, that's a that's a fun challenge.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 4:That's the fresh one is the toilet overflow day of closing. So yeah, or you have people that take their washer and dryer that was in the contract and then everyone's sitting there like who, what do we do with no washer and dryer? And so yeah, that's a. If that was our biggest problem, we'd be all good.
Speaker 1:But yeah, it's pretty much like, and there's that. Okay, so do you know what a spirit animal is?
Speaker 4:Not really, probably no Okay.
Speaker 1:Well, this is going to be a complicated question then.
Speaker 2:Okay, so your spirit.
Speaker 1:Animal is like what? If you're an animal, what kind of animal would you be?
Speaker 4:You don't have to answer that, okay.
Speaker 1:But that's where we're going. So, instead of if you're an animal, what kind of animal would you be, if you were a type of food, what food would you be? I said not chips just as an example, because they're kind of messy, they're. Everyone generally likes them, which I know sounds kind of weird, but I'm like I feel like I'm an easy person to get along with. They're kind of just like whatever. They kind of just blend in, kind of do what you want, like me, kind of cheesy.
Speaker 4:I might have to go with like a smash burger. For the same, get your greasy. Overall appeal. Not greasy, You're the one that doesn't shower. I do shower, I just don't wash my hair a lot she does not smell it as a child we had to take you outside and spray off the hose. I hope it gets stuck and we ask you the question next.
Speaker 1:I would say smash burger General crowd, pleaser not over complicated, you could burn them.
Speaker 4:I can't. Yes, they don't know what they're doing. Could be controversial Most of the time not. So yeah, it's a smash burger.
Speaker 1:Have you tried mess all yet?
Speaker 4:Yes, it's very good. New location is much better for everyone else and hanging out?
Speaker 1:Did you leave the Google review? That was not me, there was someone named Rob, not a big Google reviewer, so everyone else.
Speaker 4:I left a.
Speaker 1:Google review and it was like the new location is great, the atmosphere Like literally like two days ago.
Speaker 4:Was not me, but you know.
Speaker 2:Rob's are good people.
Speaker 1:So yeah.
Speaker 4:I think we got a fair, fair compliment on that.
Speaker 1:Well, those are our favorite smash burgers in town.
Speaker 4:So there you go. They are quite good.
Speaker 1:Now we know, now you know, smash burger.
Speaker 4:That pretty well describes me. I don't have to. Apparently, I like that one.
Speaker 1:Usually it seems like people will get like all ones or all twos for like the first round Trying to get it.
Speaker 3:Okay.
Speaker 1:We haven't had this one since the second episode Exciting.
Speaker 4:We're bringing the OG question.
Speaker 1:Bring call your own business. So you probably have to use my phone because they're probably going to have your phone number. You can. If you need to look up their phone number, you can.
Speaker 4:Do I just call it to the secretary Wherever?
Speaker 1:you want.
Speaker 4:She's at lunch.
Speaker 1:Okay, you can call her wherever you want.
Speaker 4:Okay.
Speaker 1:And then you just have to somewhat disguise your voice.
Speaker 4:All right, so you can say whatever you want.
Speaker 1:There's again. There's no rules in this podcast.
Speaker 4:Could this be controversial because?
Speaker 1:on the internet.
Speaker 4:Well, no, she's going to know. So she has gotten into this lady at the office I'm thinking about. She is gotten into Bitcoin, so I basically give her a hard time about. You know how terrible it is. There's some guy in India basically on his computer and she gets all mad about it, so I don't think I could prank call her. She would know, but I'd have to go like into a whole different personality.
Speaker 1:Could you pretend to be the plumber and call Bradley and like get really in depth about this toilet situation?
Speaker 4:I think he's going to know I could. I got to do the face. Let me see who answers at the front desk, and if it's her, then I'll just say, like you know, hey, I'm calling about this home and I just drove by. That's because it's the most frustrating thing. When you get a phone call and it's like, hey, I'm in Wilmington. It's like great, like hey, I'm looking at this. I just passed a sign. And it's like okay, where are you? I don't know, I'm not from here. And it's like, okay, what's it look like? Well, it's a brick ranch home in Wilmington. And it's like that really just narrowed it down. Sure, let me get you some prices I don't have.
Speaker 4:So many neighbors, I might just go like super.
Speaker 1:Super Southerners, yes, and then, yeah, just put your speaker. Yes, ma'am, how are you doing today? We're good.
Speaker 3:I was calling about information on this home.
Speaker 4:I just passed a little bit ago and didn't know if you connect me to agent. Yes, I can Hold on a second, I'll put you through the one that's on duty right now.
Speaker 4:All right, thanks so much. You're welcome. We're about to print call two people in one phone call. I worked out better than I thought. Yes, ma'am, I was looking for some information. I heard him. I just passed by no-transcript. I'm sorry about that. I just was driving and saw your sign and had to call the office. I can kind of give you an idea where I'm at. Okay, you got the name of the street it's King Street. Oh, okay, king Street Over here in Wilmington. Yes, ma'am, there's several, I think, on this street. Hold on, I think it was gray.
Speaker 3:Hold on, let's see, I've got two, three, four, there's five. I've got a nice Edenton Let me see, I'll turn around. Are you?
Speaker 4:in Wilmington or South, I mean Sapa, Wilmington. Yes, ma'am, I came over. It was the Montree Hill Bridge, I do believe.
Speaker 3:Okay, okay, let me go to the map, because I'm getting.
Speaker 4:I think I got a map, put it on paper, I just fused, I turned around.
Speaker 3:That's all right. Let me get my quick search. I'll be able to find it. It's just kind of I went from my computer to catch up.
Speaker 4:I hate them damn things. Sometimes you can get me all combobulated. Okay, you been having a good day. Oh, yes, ma'am, we're driving around interested in some homes. Oh, are you from Wilmington? I was and then had to move away for work, and then now I'm moving, trying to get back to town.
Speaker 3:Okay, all right, okay, I'm getting close Hold on a minute. That's it. It's 23th Street.
Speaker 4:Just doing a good job, doing some qualifying. I kind of feel bad about this.
Speaker 3:Well, let's see. Okay, all right, let me zoom in. I got two little green dots King.
Speaker 4:Street.
Speaker 3:Yes, ma'am, it's 1613 King Street. It looks like it's a rental because it's pending. It has $2,000. So I don't know if you've thought it. It's over two minutes. There's another one. Hold on, I think it's a model. Okay, there's. When you come in to the neighborhood, you go over the Love Grove Memorial Bridge, so the very first house on the left, oh, excuse me, very first house on the right. It's actually called Creekfront Drive. King is off of that one, but this one on Creekfront is active. It's $336,490. Oh Three.
Speaker 4:It's getting a little expansive. Whew, I mean I'm going to turn around. Hold on, let me get back and see if I can get you this address. I was more like in the 280 range. That's a lot Okay.
Speaker 3:Yeah, 280 is very competitive right now. There are a few in fall between, but you can find them that's not scared to do a little fixer-upper.
Speaker 4:Okay, all right, mark, I'm handy. How much Emily's square feet do you recommend me to eat? Oh, that's Three-bedroom, two-bath. Okay, all right, let's do this. How about you, if you can do a search and then send it to me, and then I give my wife's email address and you can send it to her? Does that sound good? Okay, I won't keep you all day. You know you got things to do and homes to sell. I can get your name. No, I'm here. I'm here to answer the phone today. Okay, well, that's good. What was your name? My name's Bobby. Okay, last name is W-A-R-W-I-C-K.
Speaker 3:Okay.
Speaker 4:And then my wife. She does all the emailing and I'm going to give you her email address. Okay, her name's Laura, so, all right, that's L-A-U-R-A, and then at Okay, k-i-c-k-s-t, and then it starts so it's S-T-A-R-T, and then collective C-O-L-L E, C, t, I, v, e, dot, co. There's no, no em on it. Yeah, compliment, yes, ma'am yeah sure, so 910, 262, 732 3 mm-hmm yeah, while we're at it, just go ahead and do that one, let's say 300,000 or 325 and under and that same zip code. I like this area okay so 3 error about taxes.
Speaker 3:I just feel bad, I mean if you come out of where you are you go down 21st Street and the airport and you come to a stop light at 133, and if you turn right I can text this to you. I'm texting the address right by see what you think.
Speaker 4:I'd be real helpful.
Speaker 3:Okay, I'll do that In the meantime. If you see anything else, just call back and I'll be on the phone until 3.30.
Speaker 4:Okay, we'll be driving around. I'll be excited to see that list.
Speaker 3:Yeah, let's do that, I'll be fine for you.
Speaker 4:Okay, send us another text so you can see it. I'll be in my watch.
Speaker 3:You'll be checking that.
Speaker 4:You want me to send it to your text, text me and then send me that bigger list, maybe to that email. Yeah, laura's email, right, That'd be great, right, right, I'm excited, okay, I'm excited.
Speaker 3:All right, I'll touch base with you Again. I'm Pat Mason.
Speaker 4:I appreciate it and I'll talk to you soon Sounds good. I'm so excited and I much appreciate your help. All right, my pleasure. Yes, ma'am, thank you Bye-bye. So you all got pranked on the prank phone call because I'm going to be on the email list forever. That's your email and then the phone number we gave out If you're interested in commercial real estate or properties, that was Dad's cell phone number that we gave her, so he's going to get some properties. Yeah, that worked out great. Sorry, I don't have to leave that out.
Speaker 3:Oh no, no, it's on the website.
Speaker 4:I'd say you can call him if you're looking for commercial property in the Wilmington area. He's going to be your next sponsor there you go. There you go.
Speaker 1:That was fun. Yeah, she did great. I should leave her a Google review.
Speaker 4:We should do that. That was, ms Pat Mason did a great job and put up with it. Oh, bobby.
Speaker 1:Welcome to the podcast Perfect man.
Speaker 4:Yeah, we had Kim at front and then Pat who knew who knew.
Speaker 1:I didn't know, they don't even know they were on a podcast today.
Speaker 4:They were on a podcast, talking to me on a different phone number and send emails to you and then Tex and Dad.
Speaker 1:He's going to be so confused.
Speaker 4:Which is even better, all right, ready Yep, he is nice Personal.
Speaker 1:Business can is number one. Okay, when it comes to being successful in business and real estate specifically, what do you think is the key? Networking customer service, sales marketing, nepotism.
Speaker 4:All above, except for whatever you just said. Nepotism, yeah, really. Yeah, probably, customer service. So leading came from a customer service background and a previous job, so customer service. And then really I think the biggest problem that we find, like I'll call you tomorrow or let me send you the searches and then just we get busy or whatever happens and they never do so, yeah, customer service. And then being reliable on like just basically basic, do what you say you're going to do I think is very important and that really, honestly, would separate you from probably 90% of the agents of I'm going to follow you, I'm going to call you, kind of do, drive by the area, give me feedback, so that. And being available I mean that's the biggest thing. When we're showing houses is typically when you're off work or on the weekends. So if you take every weekend off, you're going to be real skinny and probably starving because not a lot of clients.
Speaker 4:So that's probably it's definitely not a nine to five gig and yeah, between nine to five you're typically doing your follow up or your basic stuff and then pre nine showing homes or then after that. So that's the yeah, I would say yeah customer service and then just being responsible and respecting their time and their needs and kind of turn your turn your listening ears on, would be the biggest thing.
Speaker 1:Read him between the lines yeah basically, I get a bonus question. Yeah, we got time for like two more Perfect Stick it. So you haven't. I don't think we've had one fly up the board yet. It might be a record On purpose. Yeah, it's my. I think I'm in control.
Speaker 3:Yes.
Speaker 1:Oh, this podcast is ridiculous. I'm just going to go.
Speaker 4:All right, let's see. Since you're aging I am I'll ask you this question.
Speaker 1:I aged 10 years in the past two months.
Speaker 4:That's true. Excuse you, Small child, two small children. Things to do before you hit your next decade. I would love to know if you're going back on your RV on the road.
Speaker 1:Yes, um, unfortunately no Sad day. Yeah, we I was actually thinking about this the other day. So we're renting out our house, we're renting, and that was like when we originally like oh yeah, this is a good idea, we should do this.
Speaker 4:Mm, hmm.
Speaker 1:It was more so because then we'd have the flexibility if we wanted to go on the road for a month or two, just the way the rental incomes and whatever's worked out that we could do that pretty easily. And then this is not this is a long story not the answer to the question. But then you know, luke has, like I think, five jobs at the moment. So like we can't really cut out for two months Um so he's an expert multitasker, apparently at work.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I would have a meltdown, but he does fine Um before the next decade. Portugal's on our list.
Speaker 4:Okay, um, throw that out there.
Speaker 1:Just going to go to Portugal drink some wine, eat some food swing in a grease while you're there. Maybe grease on it.
Speaker 4:Okay.
Speaker 1:Um, I don't know. Probably get another dog once Max just turned 14. So he's going to pass before the next day, my next decade.
Speaker 3:That goes to 40.
Speaker 1:Not as close as you are, you got a few more years so. Um, so probably get another dog Once to name our next dog. Next, two dogs eat trashy and then the other one is going to be show towner.
Speaker 4:Hopefully by the time he's there, we're changing names.
Speaker 1:No, I think that's hilarious. Could you imagine having a dog, especially when that, like you're hunting with name trashy and just like yelling trashy?
Speaker 4:I want to go with no. I'm going to go with no. Probably not.
Speaker 1:Um, because it's definitely going to be a girl and it's definitely going to be probably mostly white, like our other dogs.
Speaker 3:Okay, have a white girl named trashy, um so yeah, portugal, probably another dog, I don't know. Okay, good when the lottery.
Speaker 1:I'm going to buy a G wagon.
Speaker 4:Okay, if you win the lottery, what do you buy me?
Speaker 1:I don't play the lottery, so I'm not going to win, but if I did and I do I'm going to get you, I get.
Speaker 3:Okay.
Speaker 4:You don't know what you'd buy me if I if you won the lottery, you're in boat. That's enough. Oh, I work. Yeah, Adam, there you go.
Speaker 1:I'm just going to go and get a sell Luke's boat and get a book more family friendly about. By we I mean Luke. I'm not doing any of that. I don't really know what I meant by this question, so I'm just going to make it up. Obviously, you see the influx of people moving into Wilmington.
Speaker 4:Yes.
Speaker 1:Is it still as steady as it was like six months ago? It or more or less, or is it chilling out?
Speaker 4:It's calmed down a little bit. I mean, during COVID, when everybody was like cool to work from home and everybody's company was like sending them home, we saw I mean that was the greatest demand. That's calmed down a little bit. So, you know, really, as far as like the new businesses coming and opening Wilmington, like that's a little bit slower. But then you still have the retirees or companies that are finally catching on to the folks. They want two or three days from home or the flexibility of like I'm a parent and I want to do that. So, yeah, you're still seeing it and it's really a demand in workforce housing, so kind of under 400 at this point it's going to be pretty heavy. And then once you get into the luxury market, we have seen just a massive amount of influx from California, Florida, typical New York.
Speaker 4:You know your retirees, but really it's really been everywhere across the country and we talk to people every day and it's like they have no idea about Wilmington. They call and it's like, yeah, my friends, brothers, neighbors, uncle move there. He said it's awesome and it's like it's a great place to live. You know not arguing that, but then they have no idea of like any context of what Wilmington is or what to do or where they're at. So you're getting a lot of more of those calls of hey, they moved during COVID, now we want to follow them and kind of be closer for like a family unit. So that yeah. No the demand. We are kind of in a protected little bubble, I would say. As far as as Wilmington, because you know, if you're looking in California where your home's $15 million and your taxes are $50,000 a year, same yeah, it's very cheap to hear. So which I get, not to everybody it's cheap and prices have obviously gone Up, but compared to some taxes and other factors, it's a great place to live.
Speaker 1:And still the demand so you're hanging in Porter's neck a lot, do you see like Wilmington creeping into, like Hamstead and Surf City all just becoming one? Yes, that's one Atlanta hub.
Speaker 4:Yeah For C and the next and the commercials following, but it's not there yet. But basically Wilmington, Hamstead will all be one and then you'll have really Jacksonville, kind of Sneeds Ferry, you know, and Surf City, kind of mirroring each other, especially once DOT gets the bypass done, that they're working on um north of where they're doing on military cut off, but once that all interchanges and if I can be in Hamstead in 10 minutes, you know, on the bypass that changes Hamstead Plus it gives some relief to all the traffic that everyone's complaining about. Um won't get into building new schools, that's not what I'm worried about.
Speaker 1:Not my battle, not for another few years, yup.
Speaker 4:But yeah, that's yeah. I do see Wilmington to really Jacksonville, probably, let's say, 10 years being one, and then same thing with Leland. I mean, the expansion of Leland down to really the South Carolina line is probably realistic, even though They'll be there Massive.
Speaker 3:Yeah, they'll be there a little things, but it all feel like one Fun times.
Speaker 1:Um, there was part two. That question was like how does that do you feel like influences, like the overall business landscape of Wilmington?
Speaker 4:All these people here sound homes to you.
Speaker 4:Yeah, I mean, obviously it's good for real estate agents, you know, to have more people moving in the area than moving out and not selling their homes. So that part's really, um, you know, positive for us. I think the services is going to take the biggest hit. Um, you know, as far as right now, with staffing like restaurants, and you know these people moving from this area of want, you know, higher in dining, they're moving from Raleigh, Charlotte, you know LA, where they're used to. You know it's no big deal to go out to a really nice dinner, Uh, so I think that's probably where we're lacking. But then also I'm going to hear it from Jenny, side of the world Um, you know, you're waiting four or five months to see an eye doctor.
Speaker 4:You're waiting. You know there's one allergist in town that everybody wants to see. So there's a lot of pressure on, probably, the services of the medical community. Uh, plus, if you're coming to retire, you're going to need all the specialty doctors. And do you want to go to Duke and Carolina all the time? No, you want to stay in Wilmington. So and I think Novant sees that and we've got some folks that work for Novant that have moved into Waterstone for, like the North Campus. They're trying to expand that. So you do have some, there's some vision, but the people moved here. I mean you went through three years or four years of moving in six months and then now you've got to play that catch up game on the commercial and the medical side to basically support all the new residents and yeah that's a that's tough because you, you couldn't build it ahead of time.
Speaker 4:I'm like you know it's not fuel of dreams. I like build it and they will come, and it's like it could be, but maybe not, and now the people are here, so now it. Now it feels like it's delayed because, like we're here, we're mad.
Speaker 3:And it's like well, you can't build.
Speaker 4:Yeah, you just showed up Like we didn't know you six months ago, so but yeah, it's been, it's been positive and they've. I think you know the the new residents will basically demand some better changes and, you know, some updates and new roads. So that part, ultimately, is positive.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that's true.
Speaker 4:And don't yeah, don't, don't hate the people that moved here and it's good for the area.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 4:Yeah, not against it, like some people don't like the don't like the change.
Speaker 1:We do have a question and I think that you can of if you could wave a magic wand and change one thing about Wilmington, what would it be? And the infrastructure is definitely a positive question yeah, it's probably be roads.
Speaker 4:You know, and driving from we live on the south side of town and then driving a Porter's neck every day, you know used to be able to do that in 15 minutes, and then now it's 45 minutes and then they get a wreck on Market Street and you know they play bumper cars and so it takes an hour. So that's the yeah, really roads, um, and that's a DOT thing. Not necessarily like a developer, um, cause everyone's mad at the guys building the apartment, so they're mad about the new neighborhoods, but it's really DOT, working retroactively versus proactive, um, but they've got to have the population to support it. So, um, I think we're there. The cluster, yes, it's quite the cluster.
Speaker 4:I military cut off is kind of a cluster right now, casablanca.
Speaker 1:One day and I was texted because he was at home working on the kids, I was like all right, I'm headed home, but I didn't tell him from where, so he thought I was coming from here, which is like 10 minutes tops to get home.
Speaker 1:And at one point he was like are you ever coming back? And I was like, yeah, I've been on the road, I'm literally on the way. He's like there's no way you left when you said you did. And I was like, yeah, I did. And then I got home and I was like, oh no, I was going to Casablanca. He was like, okay, that makes more sense. It's like, yeah, why are you getting mad at me?
Speaker 4:Then I realized like, oh, he had no idea where I was. Yeah, true, that's a. Yeah, it's a whole different thing where you're coming from. Yeah, if you're kind of going, and that's really why I think the cool part you're seeing like like slice of life's probably the easy example they've got, you know, in a bigger city you have one pizza place and they've got four locations or whatever. So and people kind of live in their little bubble in Wilmington of like the we used to bike to the 17th street Slice of life.
Speaker 4:And it was great. Makes it easy. Yeah, but you wouldn't get in your car and drive to Porter's neck to go eat there.
Speaker 1:So, I like. I don't like it that much.
Speaker 4:That's where it's funny of like the people like monkey junction or the monkey junction and then like they don't leave the little bubble.
Speaker 1:So, yeah, sweet. Well, thanks for coming in, mm. Hmm, flying along, thank you, thank you, thank you.
Speaker 4:Pam Thank you, pam, thank you.
Speaker 1:Pam.
Speaker 3:Thank you.
Speaker 1:Thank you, I'm so sorry. We took so much of your time. I look forward to receiving your email. Unfortunately I'm not. I actually got a phone call this morning. Do you do the sales technique? So our house was up on Zillow for rent and a guy called today and I didn't have the number but the name showed up and it was the last name of a friend's last name, but it was the first name. So I was like maybe they're like on their parents.
Speaker 1:So I answered it I wouldn't normally answer it and he was like hey, I was just wondering if your house was still available for rent. And I was like no. And then he was like, would you ever be interested in selling it? And I was like no.
Speaker 4:No.
Speaker 1:Also. I don't know if you agents I know I find a hundred of her, all the state I don't send. Obviously I would work with my brother, but anyhow. I was like no. I just put it down. He was like well, are you looking for any more rental properties? I was like no, I don't know, man, Maybe You're calling them Sure. Yeah, maybe I don't know, I don't know.
Speaker 4:Giving one away.
Speaker 1:Yeah, like what do you got? But then I was also like no, cause I really don't want you to call me ever again. I mean he was super nice and like whatever. I'm sure he's great individual, but I was like no, I'm good that's do you do that.
Speaker 4:That's a tactic. I used to do something not necessarily I don't think it's a bad tactic, like if I was interested in, or if he caught.
Speaker 1:Well, if obviously we didn't know, but whatever.
Speaker 4:Yeah, I don't know anybody, I just tried to write a home.
Speaker 1:Yeah. If I didn't know a real estate agent or 10, and I was more Luke's, more so in charge of that whole situation, not me and this relationship. So maybe I don't know.
Speaker 4:It can work. But yeah, I mean there's a way like cause you can geofence an area and basically call them so and I would do it around like my listings of like, more for awareness of like hey, I just listen to the home across street. Do you know anybody? Do your friends want to live here? Yes, basically. So that was more my tactic for going after like rentals and I know people go after like for sale by owners and they'll dial and that's good. Where I'm at with the neighborhood developments, I don't have the time necessarily to devote cause you've got to be very consistent and thorough with that.
Speaker 1:So it's a lot of phone calls.
Speaker 4:It's a lot of phone calls. Get on the dialer and call three people.
Speaker 1:I should call them back and be like what is your conversion rate on this?
Speaker 4:Yes, that would be interesting to know.
Speaker 1:Kind of want to know. I'm curious. Yes, cool, that was randomly totally not related but business and real estate, and that's where we work.
Speaker 4:That's all it goes to get.
Speaker 1:Okay, what can people expect from you next? Besides yeah, well, I mean, if you want to share about your personal life, you can, but it's not really the purpose of this podcast.
Speaker 4:Party training. So I got a potty train kid and, yeah, it's important, that was a milestone for.
Speaker 1:Mr Banks yeah, more so. Business is what I was thinking.
Speaker 4:Business probably expand the team. So I've kept yeah, we've kept it very small. I've been very selective. I guess I would say, maybe to a fault of like, kind of have my core two people and we've always had an admin to do our paperwork and marketing. But, yeah, probably expand the team, nice, and then hopefully, you know, jump off of Waterstone. We're probably another 24, 18 to 24 months in there realistic, but then pick up another development and that's probably where we're headed.
Speaker 4:But yeah, that'd be good goals and cause you get to a point basically too of like you know you work. I kind of went a little crazy I guess, probably a couple of years ago and worked all the time. But you know, and then you've got the work life balance of like you get home at six and then kid goes to bed at seven and it's like you kind of miss a little bit of that. So, not, you know, when we work seven days a week his agents, but trying to be a little better at that balance would probably be a good personal slash work goal. But yeah, maybe a couple more agents and then, yeah, kind of step up the later it does our admin, lisa, and maybe kind of step her up more into, like a business manager position. So yeah, kind of transition her into a larger role.
Speaker 1:I don't know if you all have this conversation or not, but Kind of she's hinted at it and like hey, Now. I camera. You have proof that. Yes, that is the consideration. It is a thought.
Speaker 4:So, yeah, that's a don't run wild with a thought. Yeah it's a thought, but yeah, probably add on, add on to the team and then you have more, more communities and then still doing general brokerage and so just regular buyers and sellers in the market.
Speaker 1:That sounds good. What is one final thought you'd like to leave our listeners with? I think most people listen to this or their business owners and or like decision makers in the business. I'm sure a few people just watch it because it's weird and funny. But I think it's funny, I don't know.
Speaker 4:Maybe, oh, maybe, hopefully my friend Cog, that somebody thought was funny. I had fun on that one.
Speaker 1:It's fine for us. I don't know if anyone else thinks it's funny. Yes, one final thought you'd like to leave these beautiful people.
Speaker 4:Fun fact. I don't know, I have a lot of thoughts on that one. Yeah, I mean as far as the Wilmington area kind of speak to that more than anything. But yeah, I mean it's growing and such a great place to live and work and that's been a positive for obviously you and I growing up here and then, yeah, it's just been a really good spot. So, being my final thought of. Wilmington has it all. It's been good to us.
Speaker 1:We keep coming back, all right.
Speaker 4:Some people never left. We didn't go live on Island.
Speaker 1:You know, whatever, some people don't go live on Island because they're boring.
Speaker 4:Some always have to work. Don't work on an Island and I hammock eating a banana.
Speaker 1:That's true. We have banana trees and anaheimic. That's where I worked.
Speaker 4:I saw a lot of bananas with hooks, face timing.
Speaker 1:We done Coconuts Drinking coconut water and my hammock on my computer.
Speaker 4:Can't sell houses from an Island. Well, I guess you could some ways, but hard to show houses on an Island.
Speaker 1:Unless you're selling houses on the Island.
Speaker 4:All other rules and regulations of down there? I don't either. I don't think there was any rules or regulations from what it sounded like.
Speaker 1:There's actually too many rules and regulations, I think.
Speaker 4:We don't own a house down there. Fair enough.
Speaker 1:That I just wasn't meant to be. Ok, best way for people to get in touch with you. If they are interested in buying or selling or business development? I don't know. Yep, that's a Whatever you have to offer.
Speaker 4:Cell phone's always the easiest. It's on 24 hours a day, but easy number to remember at 910-233-8888. Or we're website that you guys do a good job running host and that's just first and last name. And then anywhere on social media Facebook, instagram find us there.
Speaker 1:Nice. Is that under a warrant? So?
Speaker 4:I've got two pages, so I've got lots of options. Yeah, I got lots of options. So you've got it's Rob Warwick at Coal Banker, then you've got the Warwick team, which that comes up as Search See Sold, and then Waterstone for new homes and development, just Waterstone NC.
Speaker 1:Perfect. Well, thank you for joining us.
Speaker 4:It was quite exciting it was a good time. It was Most I ever heard you talking in your life, so I know it's all you got to. Shocking.
Speaker 1:Turn on the radio host for this podcast.
Speaker 4:Luke may be on to something he's correct.
Speaker 1:All right, thanks. We'll be back, I think, to our regular scheduled once a week podcast release after a little break. So get excited. We got some guests lined up. That should be pretty fun. So thanks for kicking off our back to school.
Speaker 4:You're welcome. It's our bright episode. Anything we can do to help.
Speaker 1:Anytime.
Speaker 4:Thank you, thank you.
Speaker 3:Cut.