Toucan Talks

EP16: A Step-by-Step Guide to Building an Engaging Marketing Plan [Minisode]

Kickstart Collective Episode 16

In this minisode, Laura and Alyssa with Kickstart Collective guide you through the steps to craft an effective marketing strategy aligned with your business goals. They break down the process into attainable and relevant building blocks for a successful campaign.

They simplify the overwhelming task of choosing a marketing strategy, while focusing on funnel segmentation. Laura and Alyssa breakdown your target audience's motivations, pain points, and online hangouts, and guide you on structuring content accordingly. Also they talk about how incentives can entice your audience to follow through and complete the funnel!

We hope you enjoy this information packed episode. For a deeper dive, join us for a free, live webinar on October 12, 2023 at 12pm EST. 

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Kickstart Collective is a creative marketing agency based in Wilmington, NC. We offer our clients a creative advantage through creative content and marketing strategies.

Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Two Can Talks podcast brought to you by Kickstart Collective. Join us as we talk to local Wilmington business owners about what has led to their successes, challenges and more. No question is off limits as we bounce from topic to topic.

Speaker 2:

In this podcast is brought to you by Kickstart Studios. Kickstart Studios is Wilmington's newest video podcast studio, equipped with multiple camera angles and an in-house producer. Creating a high quality video podcast has never been easier. Don't let the tech and gear learning curve hold you back from jumping into podcasting or creating video content any longer. Our team takes care of it all for you, so you can focus on the message you want to share. You simply show up record and receive the final product. No more wasting time setting up and breaking down the gear, setting up lights or doing sound checks on your own. We're in house producer one, everything set up and ready to go for you. Check us out at Kickstart Studios.

Speaker 1:

All right, this is episode 16. We're going off script today for Two Can Talks, third mini soad. Yep, third mini-soad. We have no board and no cans. We're switching it up Today. Alyssa and I who, for those of you tuning in for the first time, we do this podcast Two Can Talks, but our real jobs that pay us money is marketing digital marketing to be specific, with Kickstart Collective. Here we are, we're going to talk about how to develop campaign strategies.

Speaker 1:

I think it'll be good and helpful whether you work with an agency or have an in-house marketing team, or you are the in-house marketing team or you're just doing it on your own. You work with us. It's going to be, I think, and you tell me, but I think it's pretty. I don't want to say basic, but I guess probably from our brains, kind of basic but things that when you're it's good to know.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's good to know. When you're in the weeds of running a business you don't have time unless you sit down and make time to think through this stuff on a daily basis. You can speak from experience on that one sometimes. Yeah, I think it'll be fun. Normally we have a can and a board to transition into the talking.

Speaker 2:

I know, I don't have that today.

Speaker 1:

Let's just dive in. When you're building out a marketing strategy, there's multiple components. We're going to break it in down to three. I think today Is that what we have, yeah, three digestible steps.

Speaker 3:

I feel like, yeah, I like that.

Speaker 1:

I like marketing people First, and this is kind of what we do with our new clients too. But if you're doing this on your own, that's fine. You can pin in paper, write it down, you can do this. Some of this, obviously, I think is good to think through before you would even talk to a marketing person. Anyways, at the business center, we like to start with figuring out what the business goals are and making sure that whatever we're doing, whatever you're thinking on the marketing side, aligns with the business goals, because, at the end of the day, marketing should be building brand awareness or getting conversions, leads, whatever, but that's only going to be effective for you in the long run if those goals align with your business goals.

Speaker 1:

I don't know if you want to jump in, so I don't just ramble this whole time Overcaffeinated. So thank you, maven and Alpine, this is delicious. I don't know if you want to talk to when we're, it'll probably be easier to just talk about. We also folks. We've prepared real, we practiced written. We did not practice this.

Speaker 3:

We have our notes, we got this, we got this, but it's what we do. Yeah, I can jump in. Yeah, so I feel like with any marketing campaign, like you said, you want to make sure that it lines up with the general business goals overall, but when you start to try and narrow it down and make it more specific, that's exactly what you want to do. Make your goal specific, measurable. Instead of just being like, oh, I want more sales, or oh, I want more people to come into my business, it's got to be like I want to increase sales by percent, or I want X amount of people to sign up for this event that I'm having. So making sure it's something that's measurable and attainable helps in the long run too, because then at the end of the campaign, you can say, okay, we did what you're supposed to do. Or okay, here's how we can re-strategize for next time.

Speaker 1:

It sounds like you're saying people should have smart goals. I agree 100%. I hate that acronym. I don't know why. I think it's just a personal problem.

Speaker 1:

But, yes, they should be specific and on the business side. So, yes, like you're saying, if you have your business goals and they are specific and measurable and achievable, and what is our relevant? Yes, again, relevant to your goals, and then a set amount of time. Obviously, because if we're talking campaigns, there should be a start at an end time. But if you have that laid out for your business, then it's easier when you're looking at your marketing to match up no-transcript on the marketing side, like lines up with the business side. So like, if you want X amount of leads, for example, then we know, okay, we might need to drive X amount of website traffic. If you're doing it on your own, you, from just like a conversion rate standpoint, it would say like, okay, my conversion rate on my website is this, so if I want two leads, I might need to drive 100 new people to the website. And then from there we can start mapping out like the tactics that you need to do to get there.

Speaker 1:

So yeah, step one to find your goals and objectives. I like to say, like, start with end in mind, with the business goals, and then let's align the marketing goals to that yeah so cool.

Speaker 3:

I think that's good.

Speaker 1:

Love it too. You gotta really know your target audience. Yeah, like really know them, yeah, like best friends, besties, bfs for life. So I think it's really easy to say like, oh yeah, I know my target audience, it's, I'm just I don't know. We should have picked an arbitrary business for this.

Speaker 3:

We could do dog shampoo, dog food Ooh, dog food. Okay, I like dog food, I like dog food.

Speaker 1:

I like dog food. Mm, I like that idea.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

So let's say you made the world's best dog food. The dog said so.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

So who's your target audience? It could be people from you know, I. It could be someone 25 to 65. That's really broad and that's okay. To start there and say like, yeah, someone, let's say it's premium dog food because you're making it, it's great.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

So then, like their income levels and jobs, like those sort of things, are gonna come into play. And then I, you know their behaviors in terms of they own a dog.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, start with dog owners.

Speaker 1:

So you got kind of like your basics, which I think a lot of people stop there. There's so much more, but there's so much more which is where it can get fun. Or for some people they're like I hate this activity.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

But I think if you leave it broad, then you're. The messaging is harder.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Where, when you start dialing it down, then you can start talking to like that specific person's pain points and their motivations for buying your premium product versus hitting up Target or Walmart or yeah. So I'm like where would I that's?

Speaker 2:

what you buy dog.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that's where yeah.

Speaker 1:

So what's gonna like motivate that person? So this is where I feel like you have to really sit down and start thinking through, like their pain points and their motivations. So in this example again, since you know we planned this out on the spot if it's pet food, then like it might be someone who you know is 35 and their dog has allergies and is always itching and they're tired of spending money on steroids, like medication, and they're like frustrated and so now they're gonna try the food, like try a better quality food and see if that helps.

Speaker 1:

So, like, what is gonna motivate that person to buy your product over again? Just like normal dog food?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so what? What problem are you solving for them? And that can help you narrow it down a little farther.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, for sure, and tapping into, like those emotions.

Speaker 3:

I remember I don't even remember who it was or what client it was, but I remember we were talking to a client one time and trying to. We were doing all these steps starting, campaign for them and cause you can. Yeah, these are all specific, but you can also ask questions that Just help you get like the vibe of the person. And we asked them like oh, what does your ideal Customer, how do they take their coffee?

Speaker 1:

Yes, I do. We're asking that.

Speaker 3:

And like it's kind of silly and that's one that you should maybe just add on at the end, but it helps. You just get like a better idea of who they are, the their mindset, that they're in, what they're looking for.

Speaker 1:

Mm-hmm, are they going to Maven?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, are they going to Duncan?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Cuz yeah two different groups people. I'm not, I've not had done, I don't know, the last.

Speaker 3:

I used to be a Duncan girl, but I know. I have not, I have not had it in a long time. I've matured nothing again.

Speaker 1:

Yeah Well if you like, we love you. But, there's better options. But you know that might not be like. If you know, if like Cough, like Luke when he doesn't drink coffee, but like he's not gonna you know, mm-hmm, you wouldn't care. Yeah, yeah, but no, that is one of my favorite questions because I feel like you can like. Well, you know habits the like daily yeah real routines of a person, like all those things you can. It's just a fun question.

Speaker 1:

Yeah people thinking. So if you are like I don't know what my target, like you like have the broad Like idea of your target audience, which, again, is a good place to start, but I don't think you're gonna get like well one the messaging Nailed in. If you keep it broad and you, once you move into things like Facebook ads and things like that, you can get super specific. And the more specific you are, the more you're gonna reach and talk directly to your target audience. So you can talk to your favorite client or your favorite customer, yeah, and see like do you like legit Market research? If you have the budget, if you don't have the budget to do legit market research, have a conversation like just mm-hmm, call them, be like hey, or email them, or you could do like, if you do have a customer base, and especially if it's like Repeat customers or customers that you've really enjoyed working with, you can put together like a super simple survey monkey like thing of like.

Speaker 1:

What motivated you to work with me, or like, what made it motivate you to make this purchase different, things like that, just to get some data and help kind of get the ball rolling and, mm-hmm, narrow down that person.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, if you're yeah, if you're already established and you already have a customer base. Yeah, you're right, the best place to look For your audience is to your audience. If you want to tweak it, if you're like, oh, I would you know, yeah, if I want to reach this audience now, then you kind of know where your base is and you can see how to like, change it. Yeah, to target a new group of people.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Good point. And then the last part of that, at least I think, I think Specifically on our side, when we start then moving into like the marketing, is figuring out where these people like spend their time online. If you're going on like the digital marketing route, which I highly recommend, it's my favorite route.

Speaker 2:

But there are times about just yeah, not bias at all?

Speaker 1:

Definitely am, but I think you know, from a visibility standpoint and a cost standpoint and just being able to track, it's a great place to be. But are they like? Is your audience more of?

Speaker 3:

a business audience.

Speaker 1:

Do you need to focus on LinkedIn, which I Just feel like it's like, really I Don't know what's. I should do some googling and some research. I think LinkedIn is just like picked back up recently.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, crazy, I'm popping off.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it is who knew, and it's a lot more than just people like job searching. I feel like people are starting to use it for like more content and industry, like expertise. Yeah it's cool, but should you be hanging out on LinkedIn? Should you be on Instagram or Facebook, just on the organic side, like are they engaging in emails or are they gonna engage in long-form webinar content? You just need to be on Pinterest, like yeah you gotta start figuring, maybe even talk.

Speaker 3:

I wasn't gonna say it. I'll say it.

Speaker 1:

I'll say it Maybe you should be on tiktok.

Speaker 3:

Um no, there is a good chance that, depending you should be on tiktok, but I feel like tiktok is also like pretty niche. Depending on who you are. If you're Real estate, probably your audience, yeah, you might be TikTok. Audience is normally younger, so you might not really need to put your main focus on that.

Speaker 1:

Yes, that's a good point. And then, yeah, the only other I think to the channels would be like then looking at like your ads, like, if you. How do I say this? I think organic is wonderful and great and you need to be there, but I think with the time and effort you can a lot of times accomplish it using like Facebook and Instagram ads a lot faster, just from like a time and value, than strictly focusing on organic.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you're definitely not going to get the results that you might be looking for if you're only doing organic, but it is important to have a presence for organic, absolutely.

Speaker 1:

And you can get conversions and leads and all that definitely from organic social media, I think, if you have the budget to invest in and maybe we're jumping down to our third point, but definitely are- If you have time and budget to invest in ads, then like it is going to accelerate that visibility. For sure, that's all I'm saying We'll dive into this a little bit more in our upcoming webinar. Stay tuned.

Speaker 3:

Stay tuned.

Speaker 1:

I believe it is on. I'll Check my Notes. Maybe I'll check my notes. October 12th we're going to do a webinar. It's going to be great. It's going to be me. Alyssa Luke Joshua will be behind the computer. It's going to be live Little scary. No, it'll be great, but I think during that we'll probably dive in a little bit more into the difference on the strategy side between ads and organic and how they come into play, so we can dive in More to come, more to come.

Speaker 1:

I think by the time this, we'll have the registration out by the time you guys are watching this so you can sign up for that lovely webinar. But yes, all that to say, know your target audience, like know their motivations, their pain points and where they're hanging out on the interwebs. And then, lastly, you take all of that info and you develop your strategy, the fun part. So, based on those business objectives, your marketing objectives, your audience, you're going to create your campaign. So that's definitely where it gets fun in terms of like messaging and content and creativity. I think there's like time and a place for like branding and kind of like evergreen messaging and content.

Speaker 1:

And then there's time and a place which I feel like is some pretty nice fun for sure, but like the specific campaigns, where it's either like seasonal or for specific product or service, and you can get like super specific and yeah, go for it, yeah because then you get to come up with fun like video concepts or photo shoots, or you get to create what the people are going to see, yeah, or what you're going to give them, or you know for sure.

Speaker 1:

So when it comes to like structuring and building out this content, so obviously first, like you need some sort of like theme or messaging that's going to resonate again with that target audience and if you did the homework of figuring out their pain points and their motivations, it will be easier because you have less to shift, shift, sift, sift through and then you have more concise and then ideally a little bit easier. But you're going to want to take that content and your ideas and segment it out to like top, of top, top of funnel top funnel, middle of funnel and bottom of funnel.

Speaker 1:

Again, I kind of like to think of it like, yes, that's on the marketing side, but it ideally would align with, like, the sales side, to, especially if you're at a company and you have a sales team, like, yeah, matching those up works well If you're solo, like you still ideally would have some sort of sales funnel.

Speaker 3:

Especially when you get to the bottom. It might be jumping ahead. But yeah, go straight to the bottom of the bottle. Top is like awareness. Middle is creating those leads.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

And then the bottom is when you actually make the conversion. So, yeah, if you have a business where there's like actual sales team, where then a salesperson takes over and they have to close the deal, that matters. Or if it's just you and you're making a sale on your website, yeah, it kind of is the same but different depending on. They should have a license.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but no, yeah, you're exactly right. So, top of funnel awareness visibility, A lot of times, depending on where your content is, this could be going out to a cold audience. So, like you're not, like if we just met, I wouldn't be like, hey, buy this marketing package, that's a six month retainer. Because you're like who the heck are you?

Speaker 2:

Like I don't know anything about you or what you do.

Speaker 1:

But a case study or like something a little bit more educational, like a podcast episode talking about marketing strategy, could be good. Top of funnel content.

Speaker 3:

I don't know Crazy.

Speaker 1:

Crazy. We're not doing those just for fun people, but just thinking through like, okay, if someone has never heard of you one, you're not going to ask them for something Most likely, ideally that first interaction but also like, what value are you providing them?

Speaker 2:

in that content.

Speaker 1:

So, whether it's something like a podcast or a blog post or a really good, I mean, it could be a really good organic social media thing that has some like tips or value, something like that. So, top of funnel, you want them to get an idea of who you are. You're giving them something about you.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, get to know them, they get to know you.

Speaker 1:

You warm up to each other, You're like hey maybe we can be friends, yeah, and then you're like no, I'm just going to sign up, you're like let's get coffee. Yes, when you can hang it for my idea.

Speaker 1:

I'm just going to go, but yeah, then that middle of funnel content is ideally a warm audience. At that point, hopefully we're generating a lead, ideally capturing an email address or phone number, whatever contact information you like it, which I guess is probably a good point. Like, depending on your business, you might not need a, I mean as text message to SMS. Marketing is great.

Speaker 1:

You commerce or whether you're like a service based business. But you have to decide, like what qualifies as a lead and what do you need from that person to be a lead.

Speaker 3:

I feel like we touched on this in our last mini, so to kind of, but in this stage you also want to In the top of funnel. Yeah, you're still giving them something valuable, but even in this stage, you're giving them something maybe even more valuable, so that you can get their information and be like sign up for my email list to get exclusive news about my dog food, or sign up for my newsletter to get a percentage off of my product. Yes, and then, because that gives them an incentive, yeah, exactly, to give them, to give you their information.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, because even if that offer is something that's free, like new updates or something, or like an off-dinner educational piece, like they're still investing their time.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

And you want me to watch a webinar on October 12th. That's going to take up an hour of my life. Like it better be worth whatever my perceived hourly rate is. It's not bad for you because I'm taking an hour of my life to watch that. So yeah, no, it's a good point. It has to be worth them giving you their information. So yeah, middle of the funnel, hopefully it's lead generation. We're getting contact information again. Like you said, opt in for a newsletter, some sort of offer, a webinar.

Speaker 3:

A webinar is a great idea.

Speaker 1:

So, yeah, then, once you have that, then you have your leads, and I think this, depending on the business, is where it is a different ballgame. Like, if it's e-commerce, then yeah, Facebook ads, running product ads that might be all you need for bottom of a funnel, like conversion, or retargeting them, because you on your middle of the funnel, you sent them to their website and they opted in, they're going to get a welcome email and then you're going to retarget them with Facebook ads, with products, if you'd, but if it's like some of other clients and industries, to where it's like a very hands on sales process at that point your sales team ideally is taking these leads, and there might be like email automations, but they also might be like calling them one on one and qualifying the leads and closing the sale that way.

Speaker 1:

So, that being said, I feel like, once it gets to the bottom of the funnel, the main goal from like top and middle and again these are building on each other is to have those leads like primed and ready for whatever that closing of the lead action is. So yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Getting them, getting a warmer and warmer, swarming them up till they're on fire and they're ready to go. I have to buy this.

Speaker 1:

Well, and to like no, that is good. I know we're being funny, but it is a good point of like top of funnel. They don't know who you are. You're giving them something Mm hmm. So in the middle of the funnel, you're giving them something better. So it makes sense that whatever they're going to buy from you should and in their minds is going to be even better and like worth yeah, yeah so you have truly are I.

Speaker 3:

I think I'm in the funnel. It just worked on me. I was just telling you, yes, I kept getting ads on my Instagram from this boutique online and I saw them for a few weeks and I was like, oh, it's kind of cute, mm, hmm. And they got me.

Speaker 1:

I know.

Speaker 3:

And now I'm wearing it yeah.

Speaker 1:

And now they have your info and they can email you and be a customer for life. No, but it is true. Like as you, you know, build awareness and take an action and then follow up.

Speaker 1:

It should ideally, again, if you're messaging the lines to your target audience and your goals, it should result in a positive All right, yeah, all right. Page one of notes, a dud, I think, everything else those, I guess again, find your goals, objectives, know your target audience, develop your marketing strategy. We are kind of keeping this, I feel like, somewhat brief on like the camp, maybe the creative side of it or the content creation side of it, which, again, being funny and not being funny, we won't talk more about that in the longer webinar that will be on October 12th.

Speaker 1:

But other things to keep in mind when you're building out a marketing strategy, which we talked about this, but like your channel selection, so what is most effective for reaching your target? Audience so is that social? Is that email marketing, seo, blog creation, google ads, youtube ads, traditional advertising you know lots of ways to go, so many options, but again that goes back to your messaging target audience I feel like some of them are more can work for more brands to like.

Speaker 3:

Like a lot of people, a lot of brands can benefit from Google ads because you're more likely gonna be searched on Google, for sure, and then there's other ways you can get more specific with that. But yeah, you gotta figure out where your audience is at in order to know where to be.

Speaker 1:

Yes, All goes back to knowing your audience. Then the content plan. Obviously that's gonna move into developing the content that aligns with your messaging and your channels. So I think, just as an example just cause there'll be recent examples so we can talk about it you wanna go rough draft birthday ad.

Speaker 3:

Oh sure, Sure, okay, we'll do that.

Speaker 1:

So with that, so rough draft, is a dog park bar in town and we started talking about like what and talking with them like what campaign, like concepts would work and whatever. So starts with a target audience the people that are bringing their dog to a dog park bar love their dogs, yes, and if you love your dog, you celebrate your dog's birthday. You give them the best, yeah, of course. So we're like, well, why not do a campaign around your dog's birthday?

Speaker 3:

I also feel like it kind of started too because they saw a trend there like people are coming here before their dog's birthday, so why don't we promote that and show people yeah, you can come here. So they saw a need and then we created a campaign.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's a good point. So again, the messaging centered around like celebrating your dog's birthday. You can invite your dog's friends, like I'll be honest, I love my dogs and I do get them treats for their birthdays, but I'm not gonna invite all their dog friends over to my house, like that's crazy, but I would invite them to run around there. You go so kind of teasing out some of those different ideas in the campaign and the messaging and then for them the channels that worked well are obviously social, running into these ads and then having a automated email campaign set up so once they see the ad and it's like, oh, I can celebrate my dog's birthday.

Speaker 3:

But wait there's more.

Speaker 1:

They could fill out the form on either the ad or the landing page with their dog's birthday and then the month of their birthday they get a coupon for like a free doggy beer like a promotion for a human drink. So it's taking it a step beyond and then having that follow up. So awareness I can have my dog's birthday here. Lead generation I'm gonna fill this form. Filling out a form does not make rough draft money. Getting in them in the door does, and then you have an incentive it's fun.

Speaker 1:

It ties it all together to go from awareness to lead gen to a conversion so great example thanks, rough draft. And kickstart collectives team. So yeah, basically that is what I got there for that Bullet point. And then, lastly, budget and resources. So you gotta consider your budget obviously.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I should probably maybe start out with that too. When you're looking at audience, we should know what you need to spend.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and there's two ways to look at it. I feel like we have some clients that they're like I have X amount this month, like per month, to spend on my digital marketing. And then we have clients who are like I need to generate X amount in revenue and then you kind of got to reverse engineer the math to figure out again like how many leads does that mean? Like conversion rates. And again, the more data the client has on that front the better, but sometimes they don't?

Speaker 2:

Sometimes you gotta test it out.

Speaker 1:

You have to test it and test different things and shift and that's fine. So yeah, channel section content plan your budget. That, I feel like with the other three main points, is kind of to get someone started on building a marketing plan. So, yeah, that being said, two things. Webinar, October 12th.

Speaker 3:

October 12th Live.

Speaker 1:

Live With me and Laura. You don't know Luke, who is our creative director Also my husband, so that's always a fun time and Alyssa, who will bring it all together and make sure we don't bicker.

Speaker 1:

I'm just kidding, I'm just kidding, no, but it will be fun. I believe it's 12 o'clock but by the time this episode comes out, the time you're listening to it, we will have registration set up link in the show notes so you can sign up for that. And when you sign up for that you will get a bonus target audience worksheet. Super fun. Basically it'll take you through the things we talked about earlier with getting to know your target audience. So it's PDF downloadable. You can fill it in. Super fun. But I think really, before you start putting too much effort into any of your marketing initiatives, you got to know that I mean, it might work, but it won't work as good as it could.

Speaker 3:

It'll make it a whole lot easier.

Speaker 1:

Yes, you got to do the work upfront. So yeah, I don't know Anything else you think we should add on developing campaign strategies no, I think it was a good overview of the process.

Speaker 3:

Like you said, there's obviously a lot more that goes into it, especially once you get to the content creation part of it, for sure, which that'll be fun.

Speaker 1:

We can dive into that webinar style and I guess we'll be able to do it since it's going to be live.

Speaker 1:

We can do live Q&A. So, yeah, people have questions, we can answer them on the spot. So, yeah, good times, cool, all right. So thanks for tuning in to this mini-sode. Yeah, we'll have that webinar link and if you have questions or if you're working through this I mean, feel free to reach out to us on Instagram's Kickstart Collective. Our website is kickstartcollectiveco, so just CO. At the end there's a contact form on there. So, yeah, if you're looking at this and you're like or listening to this and have questions, we're more than happy to talk to you, yeah, and help you get the ball rolling. And then you know, if it's one of those things where you want to outsource it, obviously we can talk about that, but we don't mind having initial conversations just to help you get the wheels turning. So, yeah, thanks for tuning in and we'll see you guys next week. Thanks for tuning in to another episode of 2K and Talks brought to you by Kickstart Collective. If you loved this episode, be sure to subscribe wherever you watch podcasts and follow Kickstart Collective on Instagram at kickstartcollective.